A few of the organizations we’ve served…


Let's Art About It is a woman and minority owned and operated LLC that uses art therapy and creative expression to develop fresh perspectives and practice new patterns that lead to personal and professional wellness and growth.


Virtual Corporate Art Therapy Based Wellness, Teambuilding, and development Workshops

Excellent for Virtual Health Fairs, Wellness Days, and team building retreats!

Examples of what happens during a workshop Experience:

  • Participants are introduced to Art Therapy, the therapeutic benefits of art making, and how art-making impacts the brain, physical health, and emotional wellness according to science.

  • The Art Therapist leading the experiential workshop guides attendees through tools that can be used in the moment and anytime in the future to:

    • Articulate what words can’t, bringing complex or difficult thoughts and feelings into view

    • Engage multiple senses to address “Zoom fatigue”

    • Provide a sense of calm when feeling overwhelmed

    • View challenges and emotions from a more manageable "bird's eye" perspective

    • Identify and renew individual and collective strengths and vision

    • Facilitate self reflection, mindfulness, and emotional balance, positively impacting depression and anxiety

    • Facilitate communication and problem solving

    • Build deeper and more authentic connections to self and others to promote a culture of belonging, increasing social interaction and reducing loneliness

    • Improve brain cognition, reduce blood pressure and inflammation, and bolster the immune system

  • A portion of the workshop is dedicated to sharing and processing artwork with the group.

Workshop Services Include:

  • Custom tailored experiential workshops, ranging from 30- 90 minutes, teaching skills that individuals and teams can continue using for life. No supplies needed other than a simple sheet of paper and pen, but participants are welcome to use anything they have available (colored markers, crayons, etc). Optional supplies packages are available.

  • Themes designed to supports the values of your company and the needs of workshop participants.

  • Techniques backed by scientific research in the fields of Art Therapy, Organizational/Industrial Psychology, and Clinical Psychology.

  • Collaboration with point of contact on any preparatory work needed by your business prior to the session.

  • High definition video recording of instructional portion of workshops.

  • Registration and reminders (optional).

  • On Demand Online Portal exclusively for your company with pre and post workshop resources.

Examples of tHemes curated in collaboration with our corporate clients:

Renewing Vision

Reveal your passion and purpose through art. We utilize art therapy techniques backed by research that help identify and maximize potential for manifesting your passions. Excellent for renewing both individual and team vision.

Building Resiliency

Mobilize the creative process to empower teams when faced with change, unforeseen circumstance, and transitions. This workshop is designed to develop the 6 core components of resiliency.

Emotional Intelligence

Use art as a tool to explore emotions and learn how to leverage them for burnout prevention, wellness, and growth. Art kits for employees available as an add-on specifically for this workshop, with supplies and art therapist guidance tailored to facilitate emotional exploration.

Career Pathing

Art-based exploration and identification of strengths and passions to match employees to their best fit roles in your company. Our cutting edge approach transcends the limitations of words, and gives each individual the power of their own insight and interpretation of their interests to suggest a path that is best suited for them. This workshop comes with an option for a full report suggesting each individual participant’s high potential leadership characteristics.

Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging

Build deeper, open, authentic and empathetic connections within your company to create a culture of belonging through artistic communication. Our art therapist + organizational psychologist team has designed workshops (available individually or as a series) that specifically build the 6 traits that lead to a greater willingness to learn and grow cultural sensitivity.

Cultivating Innovation

Our innovation workshops help employees and leadership teams engage in self exploration to enhance creativity and work productivity.


Our team has designed a number of meditative art therapy based exercises that solicit feelings of calm and peace, as well as other benefits including but not limited to self awareness, reduced anxiety, self compassion, coping with stress and uncertainty, and balancing work, life, and emotions through art.


  • Our facilitators and workshop content developers are Masters and Doctorate level psychotherapists licensed and credentialed to practice in Art Therapy and/or Industrial/Organizational and Clinical Psychology. Art Therapists are mental health professionals accredited by the Art Therapy Credentials Board with Master’s Degrees in Art Therapy + a minimum of 1000 hours of post-graduate supervised direct clinical experience to ethically practice.

pepm on-demand online PORTAL


When booking a workshop or purchasing supplies for your employees, we create an Online Portal for your business. When subscribing to our PEPM subscription program, we’ll update your portal monthly to include new self help art prompts - designed specifically for workplace wellness - to keep your employees engaged with using the arts for their overall wellness.