This page contains different ways you can use your ring to support your mental health, as well as increase focus and productivity. Visit for additional information on how we can help your teams!
When you wear the ring, you can meditate at any given moment, whether you’re sitting at your work desk or at a noisy event. Choose two affirmations, such as “I am safe” and “I am loved” - repeat each affirmation alternatively as you move each bead. Take a deep breath with each repetition. With your attention focused on the ring’s movements, you’ll find your mind slowing down and settling into the present.
When you feel anxiety, concentrate on rolling the beads when wearing the ring. Pay attention to the texture and feel of the beads as you roll them and move them around the wire. The ring provides rhythmic, expected movements that help you expend nervous energy.
When feeling the urge to engage in a body focused repetitive behavior (BFRB), such as nail biting or hair pulling (trichotillomania), train yourself to focus on moving the beads on your ring repetitively instead. If you tend to engage in a BFRB while watching tv, for example, or in situations when you’re alone and often have ruminating thoughts, start moving the beads on your ring before you could potentially engage in the BFRB.
The movement involved with fidgeting your ring can help with concentration for those with ADHD when you are engaged in an important task. Multitasking can be helpful for those with ADHD. The repetitive, rhythmical movements give the hands something to do, allowing the brain to focus on the important task you have at hand, whether it’s meeting a work deadline or sending an important email.